Muhammad Abbas – Story 6

My Journey to KEMU


My name is Muhammad Abbas Tayyab currently 2nd year MBBS student at King Edward Medical University Lahore. Today I am sharing with you my life story and my journey to KEMU – The dream college of every pre-medical student!

My story has two phases;

Failure phase

Success phase

Failure Phase

( Start to class 8)

From the very beginning, I was not a bright student. I do not feel any shame in telling that I was a dull student in my early education life. I studied till class 5 in a government school with a minimal standard of education. I even failed in class 2. My teachers of that time complained my mother of admitting such a weak student in their class. In short, till class 8, I was counted a dull and weak student who was just struggling to pass…..

Success Phase

In 9th class, one day, when teachers insulted me in front of whole class, I questioned myself that why I cannot be among the high achievers and score good marks..Why everyone insults me… Why I cannot make my parents proud… 

With all these thoughts in mind, I started working to prove people wrong, and to make my parents happy.. I sought help from Allah Almighty..I always gave due respect to my teachers and parents..

 And the result was that,

   I got 1066 marks in Matric(2018)

  And  1051 marks in FSc(2020)

Entrance Test Story

During FSc, I never thought that I could make merit. I just focused on my hard work and for the results, I believed in Allah because I was not a much intelligent Student with high IQ, I was the average one.

 During entrance Test Preparations; the only motivation that made me work hard was my Parents happiness.They wanted to see their son a doctor because no one else was a doctor in my family. I worked hard for my parents happiness. In my mind and in my heart, there was a single thought that I have to make merit otherwise I will disappoint my parents…I cried in front of Allah, I wanted to be selected in only in top 3000, I never even dreamed of King Edward.

  For entrance exam preparation, I joined Era Academy and went to Multan, away from my home. I lived with my relatives there and at times, when i didn’t find any motivation to study, the only thing that made me work was my parents will..Only one Question would cycle in my mind that how would I go back and face my parents after failure? 

So I worked, and I worked real hard. In Academy, there were many bright students.

In test sessions, many students had just few MCQs wrong when I got many …I just kept learning from mistakes and never allowed disappointment to set in.

I even passed through such phases that I wanted to quit..but I always kept in mind

  ” I can & I will “

I gripped my text books instead of too many practice books because I was facing shortage of time and I could not do much things.. I always listened to myself and did not follow others…I did what suit me, not followed others..I think that was the key point of my success

 In short, i secured 188/200 marks in NMDCAT

 My overall percentage was  94.90%

In provisional list my number  was 271  in punjab

Literally, I never thought of such a rank..I only demanded to be selected in 3000..

In college wise merit list i was selected in K.E with merit no. 221 in 2021

My Personal Experience

I learned following things from my life experience:

1- No matter if you are intelligent or not, success needs hard work!

2- For better luck, you must have a pure soul. It is true: Ba Adab Ba Naseeb, By adab by Naseeb

3- Always support yourself

Don’t compare yourself with others, do what suits you and makes you at peace.

4- Last but not the least, always have a firm believe in Allah Almighty, never stop asking from Him because he never stops giving.

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