Day 1

Setting up the Fire

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. There’s no single successful person on the face of earth who hasn’t faced failure in life, in one form or the other. As Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, says,

“The greatest successes come from having the freedom to fail”

If you are on a journey to your goals, it’s predestined that you would make mistakes, you would have some bad days, some failures, some crying nights. It all depends on how you tackle them. Would you allow them to take over your nerves and get you further down to the line ? Or would you learn from them and get them fuel you in better ways..? At the end of the day, it all depends on you, with what approach you go.

Test consist of 200 mcqs. Use the student id we’ve e-mailed you to start the test. If you haven’t registered yet, click here to register yourself and get your student id.

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