1. Cell Biology (Asad) 

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2. Cell Biology (Haider Ali)

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3. Cell Biology (Hassan Ali)

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4. Cell Biology (Anoosha Tahir)

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5. Cell Biology (Zoieen Arshad)

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Practice Mcqs

1) Carrier molecules in the plasma membrane are required for_____.

a) facilitated diffusion only

b) active transport only

c) osmosis

d) all of the above


2) Number of centrioles present in nondividing cells of plants:

a) 2

b) 0

c) 4

d) 6


3) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is well developed in the cells, which synthesis _____.

a) steroids and proteins

b) proteins

c) carbohydrates

d) all of the above


4) protoplasm of plant cell is:

a) less viscous than animal cell

b) equal in viscosity to the animal cell

c) more viscous than animal cell

d) none of these


5) The complex of sugar, polymers proteins which are patchily distributed on the plasma membranes of animal cells is called:

a) cellulose

b) glycocalyx

c) chitin

d) cytoskeleton


6) The functional unit of golgi apparatus is:

a) thylakoids

b) cristae

c) oxysomes

d) cisternae


7) Forty eight chromosomes are found in each cell of:

a) onion

b) potato

c) pea

d) fern


8) Which process enables proteins to enter cells?

a) diffusion

b) endocytosis

c) osmosis

d) active transport


9) The site for breakdown of fatty acids to succinate is:

a) glyoxysomes

b) ribosomes

c) peroxisomes

d) lysosomes


10) Cisternae stacks are continuously formed by fusion of vesicles, which are probably derived by the:

a) budding of SER

b) budding of RER

c) fusion of SER

d) fusion of RER



1-A , 2-B , 3-A , 4-C , 5-B , 6-C , 7-B , 8-B, 9-A , 10-A


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