MACROMOLECULESBy waleedahmad06 / December 28, 2020 Macromolecules (Anonymous 1)To Download,Click Here
Unknown June 10, 2021 at 4:59 amAsad Bhai ap apnay notes kio nahi sent kertay baqi chapters Kay……….. Reply
Unknown June 24, 2021 at 6:38 pmPls sir send notes of….. 1- Alcohols and phenol-2 Alkyl halide and -3 Carboxylic acid . pls pls upload soon.we will be very thankful toyou Reply
Asad Bhai ap apnay notes kio nahi sent kertay baqi chapters Kay………..
Pls sir send notes of….. 1- Alcohols and phenol-2 Alkyl halide and -3 Carboxylic acid . pls pls upload soon.we will be very thankful toyou